Message from the Principal

Principal’s Message

Asalam Alykom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh

I am honored to lead Al Resalah International School of Science, where learners achieve their academic goals, National Agenda targets, are readied for college or career opportunities and become socio- economic contributors in future.

RISS is more than just a school; it is an educational experience. At RISS, we bring learning to life, challenge our students' thinking and creativity and enable them to become life- long learners who apply Islamic principles and embody the UAE's cultural values of tolerance and acceptance.

Al Resalah is a school of Science and we firmly believe that science and education hold a quintessential place in shaping the lives of children. Our teachers are the architects of this design and do their best to ensure that our learners receive the best attention and are provided with ample opportunity to flourish as individuals. Student wellbeing is therefore at the heart of everything we do at the school.

I am deeply appreciative of the staff, students, and parent community of RISS. Their contributions and good will support have helped the school grow and their continued faith and support will help us achieve further.

While our website will provide you with all the information about us and what we have to offer, we look forward to your visit. It will help you gain a first- hand experience of the school.

In case you require any further information, do not hesitate to reach out to me or our admission team.

Looking forward to you interacting with you,

Ms. Huda Al Samkari
Principal, Al Resalah International School of Science

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